The J. Blue Marketing Agency is a profitable, full-scale marketing agency based out of Creighton University operated by knowledgeable students who consistently create successful results for real clients. As student experts in the industry, we consider our new and emerging expertise an opportunity for not only our brand but also yours. When speaking to students on how to become stand-out marketing student experts, we have some tips.

1. Seek Internship Experiences
Do you know the best thing about marketing? Every business needs and relies on it. In short, every business needs someone like YOU! Whether it be agency-based or an in-house operation, marketing makes a business thrive. From the medical field, to agriculture, to cosmetics, to sports, and even non-profit organizations; marketing is the medium for how their mission is communicated and executed. Platforms such as LinkedIn and Handshake can help identify positions with a quick application process. It can even be as simple as a Google search, “Marketing internships near me.” With such a diverse range of industries, internships allow for a professional opportunity to explore a new area of the marketing landscape in a growth environment.
2. Reach Out To Mentors
While internships are fabulous opportunities to build skills and learn, the pressure is on to perform. Deadlines, project due dates, learning on the job; we have all been there. By growing a mentorship relationship with someone in your desired industry or with additional experience, one can begin to ask those crucial questions. Mentors are a terrific way to receive feedback on your resume/portfolio, practice networking, and grow your professional understanding of a role.
3. Study the Industry
No, we do not mean to do well in your marketing courses. Well, do that too.
We are talking about becoming observant and aware of the marketing you see and consume. It is everywhere. When scrolling on TikTok, watching your favorite sports team on T.V., or making an after-class snack. Your perception and preference towards products, people, and places are all a part of a strategic marketing plan, and you are the target audience. Next time walking through the grocery store or clicking through online, pay close attention to the content that did or did not resonate with you. Why? Sooner than later, you will realize marketing is all around you. With a combination of psychology and ingenious strategy, the best marketing efforts will be the hardest to detect.
4. Build Your Brand
A wonderful way to practice your marketing skills is to start with you as the primary client. Consider writing a blog, building a website, or even refining your brand on social media. In this industry, soft skills are comparable to your ability to execute a marketing plan and fulfill objectives for your client. Be prepared to talk about yourself and your skills to practice your networking and personal branding.
5. On-campus Opportunities
Get involved! Many college campuses have marketing clubs and practicums available to students like the J. Blue Marketing Agency. On-campus opportunities, such as these, provide real-world experience working alongside your peers. Marketing is a collaborative profession that is reinforced when bouncing ideas off others. To learn more about the J. Blue Marketing Agency and our practicum structure, follow the link here.